ENGLISH(ENG):Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal(1985)

ENGSDA Hymnals JPN希望の讃美歌
1Praise to the Lord3108力の主を4
2All Creatures of Our God and King49世界をつくりし4
3God Himself Is With Us3136ここにいます3
4Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven4122栄えの君なる4
5All My Hope on God Is Founded4304すべての望みは4
6O Worship the Lord4124主を拝め4
10Come, Christians, Join to Sing331聖なる神3
11The God of Abraham Praise3316主のまことは3
12Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee3114喜びたたえよ4
13New Songs of Celebration Render3132新しき歌もて5
15My Maker and My King411つくりぬしなる4
20O Praise Ye the Lord4123たかき主を4
21Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise4116人の目には4
22God Is Our Song4134み力を 与えたもう3
27Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart!5131来たれこころ4
29Sing Praise to God493よろこびたたえよ3
30Holy God, We Praise Your Name35聖なるみ名を3
32When in Our Music God is Glorified4121主をたたえるときこそ4
36O Thou in Whose Presence4266わがよろこび5
43When Morning Gilds the Skies626輝く朝5
44Morning Has Broken3196さわやかな朝となり3
45Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty5135わがたまよろこび4
50Abide With Me4205日暮れて4
51Day Is Dying in the West4202たそがれややに3
53All Praise to Thee4207み栄えこよいも4
56The Day Thou Gavest4203み神のたまいし5
60Blessed Jesus at Thy Word3139愛するイェスよ3
65God Be With You4387神ともにいまして3
71Come Thou Almighty King46よろずのもの4
72Creator of the Stars of Night372父の栄光を3
73Holy Holy Holy42聖なる聖なる3
82Before Jehova's Awful Throne410世界をつくりし4
83O Worship the King4109あめつちの4
84God the Omnipotent4247全能の神は5
85Eternal Father Strong to Save4389深く広き海4
86How Great Thou Art4126輝く日を仰ぐとき5
88I Sing the Mighty Power of God315み神の力を ともにうたえ3
92This Is My Father's World314ここは神の3
93All Things Bright and Beautiful4394花はほほえみ4
96The Spacious Firmament312果てしも知られぬ3
99God Will Take Care of You4315この世の旅路に4
104My Shepherd Will Supply My Need3337主はわがかいぬし3
109Marvelous Grace3287われを救うために3
111It Took a Miracle3254世界をつくりし3
112Let Us With a Gladsome Mind4118主をほめたたえ5
115O Come, O Come, Immanuel333久しく待ちにし4
116Of the Father's Love Begotten336世のならぬ先に5
118The First Noel541牧人ひつじを4
119Angels From the Realms of Glory448天なる使いよ4
122Hark! the Herald Angels Sing339あめには栄え3
123As With Gladness Men of Old461輝く星を5
124Away in a Manger352かいばおけの3
125Joy to the World443もろびとこぞりて4
128Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Night257いさみて仰げや4
130It Came Upon the Midnight Clear344天なる神には3
131Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming237エサイの根より3
132O Come, All Ye Faithful342神のみ子は今宵しも3
134Now Is Born the Divine Christ Child254やさしくも愛らしき3
135O Jesus Sweet440ああベツレヘムよ3
136O Little Town of Bethlehem438いざうたいまつれ4
137Good Christians, Now Rejoice362われらは来たりぬ5
140While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks665かむり捨ててみ国去り4
142What Child Is This346あら野のはてに4
143Angels We Have Heard on High451きよしこの夜3
144Silent Night, Holy Night366羊飼いつどう4
149Once in Royal David's City453ダビデの村里4
154When I Survey the Wondrous Cross481栄えの主イェスの5
155When I Survey the Wondrous Cross482栄えの主イェスの5
156O Sacred Head Now Wounded378血潮したたる4
158Were You There5297君もそこにいたのか5
159The Old Rugged Cross3298丘に立てる主の十字架は3
162Wondrous Love3257たぐいもなき4
163At the Cross3291主イェスはとうとき4
166Christ the Lord Is Risen Today486救いのぬしは3
172The Strife Is O'er488ハレルヤ ハレルヤ5
181Does Jesus Care3380けわしき世の旅に3
183I Will Sing of Jesus' Love3256うたえ主の愛3
185Jesus Is All the World to Me4386イェスはわがすべて3
188My Song Is Love Unknown6260神の愛を6
190Jesus Loves Me3251主われを愛す4
191O Shepherd Divine3262あめなるよろこび3
195Tell Me the Old, Old Story3105イェスよみ言葉を3
200The Lord Is Coming4424主イェスは来たもう3
201Christ Is Coming3430救いのおとずれ3
202Hail Him the King of Glory3431闇は去り光の主3
204Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus2248まことの平和を2
206Face to Face4413わが罪のために4
210Wake, Awake for the Night Is Flying3428覚めよ日は近し3
213Jesus Is Coming Again4423つのぶえを吹き鳴らせ3
214We Have This Hope2436キリストは来たりたもう2
215The King Shall Come556主の来られる朝5
216When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder3427世の終わりのラッパ3
221Rejoice, the Lord Is King473よろこべ主を4
223Crown Him With Many Crowns428小羊をば4
229All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name427あまつみ使いよ5
230All Glory, Laud, and Honor376あがないぬしに3
233Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies3197義の太陽は3
237In the Cross of Christ I Glory484うつりゆく世にも5
239Jesus, Priceless Treasure3341ただ神を望みて4
240Fairest Lord Jesus429イェス君は4
249Praise Him! Praise Him!3129たたえよ 救い主のみ名3
250O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing6113み神の栄えと4
251He Lives391よみがえられた3
257Come Down, O Love Divine4103わがこころに3
259Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether3189みたまに招かれ3
260Hover O'er Me, Holy Spirit4102みたまよくだりて4
263Fire of God, Thou Sacred Flame5101ほのおのごとき5
264O for That Flame of Living Fire5100みたまを注ぎて5
265Breathe on Me, Breath of God4106神の息よ4
268Holy Spirit, Light Divine499みたまの神よ4
269Come, Holy Spirit596聖霊くだりて4
271Break Thou the Bread of Life4145主よいのちの2
272Give Me the Bible3146み言葉を与えたまえ3
282I Hear Thy Welcome Voice4215十字架の血に4
283O Jesus, Thou Art Standing3274戸口の外に3
284For You I Am Praying4356救い主にましませど4
285Jesus Calls Us4269せわしき日ごとの4
286Wonderful Words of Life3148いのちのみ言葉3
287Softly and Tenderly3270イェスは今も招きたもう3
289The Savior Is Waiting2272救い主はそばに立ち2
290Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus3273暗き道に迷い3
292Jesus, I Come4288暗き世を離れて4
293Heavenly Father, Bless Us Now4278父なる神よ4
294Power in the Blood3290罪 重荷を除くは4
300Rock of Ages3331千歳の岩よ4
301Near, Still Nearer4332より近くわが主の4
303Beneath the Cross of Jesus385十字架のもとぞ3
306Draw Me Nearer3363われは主のものなれば3
309I Surrender All4151わが主にすべてを3
311I Would Be Like Jesus4375この世の楽しみ3
312Near the Cross4285イェスよこの身を4
314Just as I Am6213いさおなきわれを5
321My Jesus, I Love Thee4334主よわが主よ4
326Open My Eyes That I May See3152わが目を開きて4
327I'd Rather Have Jesus3364キリストには代えられません3
328Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone383主にのみ十字架を4
331O Jesus, I Have Promised3384主よ終わりまで4
334Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing3340恵みの泉よ3
340Jesus Saves4236よろこびうたえ3
341To God Be the Glory3128主なる神に3
344I Love Your Kingdom, Lord4210ああ慕わし4
350Blest Be the Tie That Binds4388神によりて4
362Lift High the Cross5309十字架を高くかかげ4
367Rescue the Perishing3239罪に沈み3
374Jesus, With Thy Church Abide4211主よ教会に5
381Holy Sabbath Day of Rest418神の聖なる3
384Safely Through Another Week420神は日ごとに4
391Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest419聖なるこの日4
407Sent Forth by God's Blessing4173いのちの糧1
415Christ the Lord, All Power Possessing394力の主イェスは3
420Jerusalem, My Happy Home4409エルサレムふるさとへ5
421For All the Saints5307主を信じ先にゆきし5
423Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken4208栄えに満ちたる3
427No Night There4415あまつみ国は3
428Sweet By and By3410はるかにあおぎ見る3
429Jerusalem the Golden4416光かがやくエルサレムよ4
432Shall We Gather at the River4395まもなくかなたの4
435The Glory Song3412悩み多きうき世を3
439How Far From Home4420見張りよわが家は4
448O, When Shall I See Jesus3419とわの朝来たりて3
452What Heavenly Music3418空にひびく ほめ歌は3
456My Lord and I4351主イェスはわれの4
457I Love to Tell the Story4238いともかしこし3
458More Love to Thee4366わが主イェスよひたすら4
461Be Still, My Soul3349安かれ わがたましいよ3
462Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine!3214ああうれしわが身も3
465I Heard the Voice of Jesus369疲れたる者よ3
469Leaning on the Everlasting Arms3325主のみ手に頼る日は3
470There's Sunshine in My Soul Today4286くしき主の光4
473Nearer My God, to Thee5344主よみもとに4
474Take the Name of Jesus With You4311イェス君のみ名は4
475Balm in Gilead3377ギレアデの乳香2
477Come, Ye Disconsolate3277悩むものよ侘人よ3
478Sweet Hour of Prayer3352静けき祈りの3
480Dear Lord and Father5144慕いまつる主よ5
481Dear Lord and Father5147ガリラヤのうみべ4
481Dear Lord and Father5359主よいまわれらの4
483I Need Thee Every Hour4350恵み深き主のほか4
489Jesus, Lover of My Soul4347わがたましいを4
492Like Jesus4355祈りの言葉3
495Near to the Heart of God3318主イェスのみ胸に3
498Still, Still With Thee4194あさかぜ静かに吹きて3
499What a Friend We Have in Jesus3252いつくしみ深き3
502Sun of My Soul4206救いぬしイェスよ5
506A Mighty Fortress4317神はわがやぐら4
507Moment by Moment4258ひとたびは死にし身も3
508Anywhere With Jesus3327わが主の導くところ3
509How Firm a Foundation5303主の言葉を4
513In Heavenly Love Abiding3323天つよろこび3
516All the Way3314深き恵みもて3
517My Faith Looks Up to Thee3299まごころもて4
523My Faith Has Found a Resting Place4289とこしえの主こそ4
524Tis So Sweet to Truts in Jesus4330主と主の言葉に4
525Hiding in Thee3328罪に悩み 苦しむとき3
528A Shelter in the Time of Storm4321主はわが岩なり3
529Under His Wings3312わが主のつばさのかげに3
530It Is Well With My Soul3320行くみちに3
532Day by Day3378うつり行く時の間も3
535I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus4310ただ主の恵みに4
537He Leadeth Me4346いつくしみ深き3
545Savior, Like a Shepherd3339かいぬしわが主よ4
549Loving Shepherd to Thy Sheep3259わが道すべてを4
552The Lord's My Shepherd5338羊飼いなる主5
559Now Thank We All Our God3110いざやともに3
560Let All Things Now Living2125生けるものよ2
561We Plow the Fields3391われらたがやし3
567Have Thine Own Way, Lord4362なしたまえみ旨を4
568Make Me a Captive, Lord3383主よわれをば4
569Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior4358イェス君イェス君4
572Give of Your Best to the Master3149いともよきものを3
574O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee497聖なるみたまよ4
574O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee4382わがたま悩みて4
590Trust and Obey5329主の言葉の光のうち4
598Watch, Ye Saints5433目覚めよわが友3
599Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers4425こころして待て3
604We Know Not the Hour3432再臨の しるしは見えて3
615Rise Up, O Church of God4244立て主の民4
618Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus!4306たてよいざたて4
620On Jordan's Stormy Banks4422さかまくヨルダンの4
621Gracious Father, Guard Thy Children3333父なるみ神よ3
633When We All Get to Heaven4426み国に住まいを3
634Come, All Christians, Be Committed4138いざみな来たりて4
637Son of God, Eternal Savior5372いのちのもとなる4
652Love at Home3242あまつましみず3
653Lead Them, My God, to Thee?229われらの宝4
656O Perfect Love3230きよき愛2
659May the Grace of Christ Our Savior224主のみ名たたえよ5
660Glory Be to the Father1140父のみ神に1
661Holy, Holy, Holy2153聖なる神1
669The Lord Bless You and Keep You1170願わくは神1
683Jesus, Stand Among Us3159よみがえりし3
684Hear Our Prayer, O Lord1164主よ耳をかたむけて1
692The Lord Is in His Holy Temple1157主は今ここにいます1
693Almighty Father1163聞きたまえみ神よ1
694Praise God, From Whom All Blessings11あめつちこぞりて1

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