

5月 4 終日 Tokyo International Church
HOPE IN A TIME OF HOPELESSESS “Come and discover truths in Bible prophecy that will make a positive difference in your life” Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3 KJV REVELATION’S BIGGEST SURPRISE – DANIEL 2 REVELATION’S PEACEMAKER – GOSPEL REVELATION’S GREATEST END-TIME SIGNS PLUS MORE TIMELY SUBJECTS… OUR GUEST SPEAKERS Artur A. Stele, PhD Artur A. Stele was born in Kazakhstan to German parents. In 1993 he received MA degree with emphasis in Old Testament and Archaeology from Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary. In 1996 he…
5月 5 終日 Tokyo International Church
HOPE IN A TIME OF HOPELESSESS “Come and discover truths in Bible prophecy that will make a positive difference in your life” Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3 KJV REVELATION’S BIGGEST SURPRISE – DANIEL 2 REVELATION’S PEACEMAKER – GOSPEL REVELATION’S GREATEST END-TIME SIGNS PLUS MORE TIMELY SUBJECTS… OUR GUEST SPEAKERS Artur A. Stele, PhD Artur A. Stele was born in Kazakhstan to German parents. In 1993 he received MA degree with emphasis in Old Testament and Archaeology from Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary. In 1996 he…
5月 6 終日 Tokyo International Church
HOPE IN A TIME OF HOPELESSESS “Come and discover truths in Bible prophecy that will make a positive difference in your life” Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3 KJV REVELATION’S BIGGEST SURPRISE – DANIEL 2 REVELATION’S PEACEMAKER – GOSPEL REVELATION’S GREATEST END-TIME SIGNS PLUS MORE TIMELY SUBJECTS… OUR GUEST SPEAKERS Artur A. Stele, PhD Artur A. Stele was born in Kazakhstan to German parents. In 1993 he received MA degree with emphasis in Old Testament and Archaeology from Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary. In 1996 he…
5月 11 終日 Tokyo International Church
HOPE IN A TIME OF HOPELESSESS “Come and discover truths in Bible prophecy that will make a positive difference in your life” Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3 KJV REVELATION’S BIGGEST SURPRISE – DANIEL 2 REVELATION’S PEACEMAKER – GOSPEL REVELATION’S GREATEST END-TIME SIGNS PLUS MORE TIMELY SUBJECTS… OUR GUEST SPEAKERS Artur A. Stele, PhD Artur A. Stele was born in Kazakhstan to German parents. In 1993 he received MA degree with emphasis in Old Testament and Archaeology from Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary. In 1996 he…
5月 12 終日 Tokyo International Church
HOPE IN A TIME OF HOPELESSESS “Come and discover truths in Bible prophecy that will make a positive difference in your life” Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3 KJV REVELATION’S BIGGEST SURPRISE – DANIEL 2 REVELATION’S PEACEMAKER – GOSPEL REVELATION’S GREATEST END-TIME SIGNS PLUS MORE TIMELY SUBJECTS… OUR GUEST SPEAKERS Artur A. Stele, PhD Artur A. Stele was born in Kazakhstan to German parents. In 1993 he received MA degree with emphasis in Old Testament and Archaeology from Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary. In 1996 he…
5月 13 終日 Tokyo International Church
HOPE IN A TIME OF HOPELESSESS “Come and discover truths in Bible prophecy that will make a positive difference in your life” Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3 KJV REVELATION’S BIGGEST SURPRISE – DANIEL 2 REVELATION’S PEACEMAKER – GOSPEL REVELATION’S GREATEST END-TIME SIGNS PLUS MORE TIMELY SUBJECTS… OUR GUEST SPEAKERS Artur A. Stele, PhD Artur A. Stele was born in Kazakhstan to German parents. In 1993 he received MA degree with emphasis in Old Testament and Archaeology from Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary. In 1996 he…
5月 18 終日 Tokyo International Church
HOPE IN A TIME OF HOPELESSESS “Come and discover truths in Bible prophecy that will make a positive difference in your life” Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3 KJV REVELATION’S BIGGEST SURPRISE – DANIEL 2 REVELATION’S PEACEMAKER – GOSPEL REVELATION’S GREATEST END-TIME SIGNS PLUS MORE TIMELY SUBJECTS… OUR GUEST SPEAKERS Artur A. Stele, PhD Artur A. Stele was born in Kazakhstan to German parents. In 1993 he received MA degree with emphasis in Old Testament and Archaeology from Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary. In 1996 he…
5月 19 終日 Tokyo International Church
HOPE IN A TIME OF HOPELESSESS “Come and discover truths in Bible prophecy that will make a positive difference in your life” Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3 KJV REVELATION’S BIGGEST SURPRISE – DANIEL 2 REVELATION’S PEACEMAKER – GOSPEL REVELATION’S GREATEST END-TIME SIGNS PLUS MORE TIMELY SUBJECTS… OUR GUEST SPEAKERS Artur A. Stele, PhD Artur A. Stele was born in Kazakhstan to German parents. In 1993 he received MA degree with emphasis in Old Testament and Archaeology from Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary. In 1996 he…
5月 19 終日 熊本教会
キボウのトビラ - 聖書を開くと見える、豊かに生きるヒント - 5/19(土)~20(日)、5/26(土)~27(日) 土:14:00~15:30 日:10:00~11:30 講師:高木義萌 お問い合わせは熊本教会までご連絡ください。096-337-0977
5月 20 終日 Tokyo International Church
HOPE IN A TIME OF HOPELESSESS “Come and discover truths in Bible prophecy that will make a positive difference in your life” Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3 KJV REVELATION’S BIGGEST SURPRISE – DANIEL 2 REVELATION’S PEACEMAKER – GOSPEL REVELATION’S GREATEST END-TIME SIGNS PLUS MORE TIMELY SUBJECTS… OUR GUEST SPEAKERS Artur A. Stele, PhD Artur A. Stele was born in Kazakhstan to German parents. In 1993 he received MA degree with emphasis in Old Testament and Archaeology from Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary. In 1996 he…
5月 20 終日 熊本教会
キボウのトビラ - 聖書を開くと見える、豊かに生きるヒント - 5/19(土)~20(日)、5/26(土)~27(日) 土:14:00~15:30 日:10:00~11:30 講師:高木義萌 お問い合わせは熊本教会までご連絡ください。096-337-0977
5月 26 終日 熊本教会
キボウのトビラ - 聖書を開くと見える、豊かに生きるヒント - 5/19(土)~20(日)、5/26(土)~27(日) 土:14:00~15:30 日:10:00~11:30 講師:高木義萌 お問い合わせは熊本教会までご連絡ください。096-337-0977
5月 27 終日 熊本教会
キボウのトビラ - 聖書を開くと見える、豊かに生きるヒント - 5/19(土)~20(日)、5/26(土)~27(日) 土:14:00~15:30 日:10:00~11:30 講師:高木義萌 お問い合わせは熊本教会までご連絡ください。096-337-0977
9月 21 @ 14:00 – 15:30 熊本教会
キボウのトビラ - 聖書を開くと見える、豊かに生きるヒント - 「ときのしるし――希望への道」  第1回 9月21日(土)午後2時~3時半 テーマ「ノゾミハアルノカ?」  第2回 9月22日(日)午前10時~11時半 テーマ「あなたの神に会う備えをせよ」 講師:花田憲彦牧師 プロフィール 昭和42(1967)年、福岡県生まれ。山口大学経済学部、三育学院カレッジ神学科各卒。AIIAS修士課程修了。元キリスト新聞社編集局記者。統一協会への入信がきっかけでキリスト教信仰に至る。1996年よりセブンスデー・アドベンチスト教団牧師。多摩永山教会(東京・多摩市)、天沼教会(東京・荻窪)、東京中央教会(東京・原宿)、神戸有野台教会(神戸市)、教団伝道局長、全国牧師会長を経て、現在、教団メディア出版局長(福音社編集長、ホープチャンネルジャパンディレクター、コミュニケーション部長、AWR-Japan代表、VOPバイブルスクール校長)。著書に『燃え尽き社会に架かる虹』、『ときのしるし―希望への道』(福音社)などがある。 セブンスデー・アドベンチスト熊本キリスト教会 熊本市北区龍田7-1-135 096-337-0977 @import url(https://adventist.jp/2016/wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/css/front-flex.min.css); #pgc-19681-0-0 , #pgc-19681-2-0 { width:100%;width:calc(100% - ( 0 * 30px ) ) } #pl-19681 #panel-19681-0-0-0 , #pl-19681 #panel-19681-2-0-0 { } #pg-19681-0 , #pg-19681-1 , #pg-19681-2 , #pl-19681 .so-panel { margin-bottom:30px } #pgc-19681-1-0 { width:40%;width:calc(40% - ( 0.6 * 30px ) ) } #pl-19681 #panel-19681-1-0-0 , #pl-19681 #panel-19681-1-1-0 { margin:20px 20px 20px 20px } #pgc-19681-1-1 { width:60%;width:calc(60% - ( 0.4 * 30px ) ) } #pl-19681 .so-panel:last-child { margin-bottom:0px } #pg-19681-1> .panel-row-style { background-color:#d8eeff } #pg-19681-1.panel-no-style, #pg-19681-1.panel-has-style > .panel-row-style { -webkit-align-items:flex-start;align-items:flex-start } @media (max-width:780px){ #pg-19681-0.panel-no-style, #pg-19681-0.panel-has-style > .panel-row-style , #pg-19681-1.panel-no-style, #pg-19681-1.panel-has-style > .panel-row-style , #pg-19681-2.panel-no-style, #pg-19681-2.panel-has-style…
9月 22 @ 10:00 – 11:30 熊本教会
キボウのトビラ - 聖書を開くと見える、豊かに生きるヒント - 「ときのしるし――希望への道」  第2回 9月22日(日)午前10時~11時半 テーマ「あなたの神に会う備えをせよ」 講師:花田憲彦牧師 プロフィール 昭和42(1967)年、福岡県生まれ。山口大学経済学部、三育学院カレッジ神学科各卒。AIIAS修士課程修了。元キリスト新聞社編集局記者。統一協会への入信がきっかけでキリスト教信仰に至る。1996年よりセブンスデー・アドベンチスト教団牧師。多摩永山教会(東京・多摩市)、天沼教会(東京・荻窪)、東京中央教会(東京・原宿)、神戸有野台教会(神戸市)、教団伝道局長、全国牧師会長を経て、現在、教団メディア出版局長(福音社編集長、ホープチャンネルジャパンディレクター、コミュニケーション部長、AWR-Japan代表、VOPバイブルスクール校長)。著書に『燃え尽き社会に架かる虹』、『ときのしるし―希望への道』(福音社)などがある。 セブンスデー・アドベンチスト熊本キリスト教会 熊本市北区龍田7-1-135 096-337-0977 @import url(https://adventist.jp/2016/wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/css/front-flex.min.css); #pgc-19878-0-0 , #pgc-19878-2-0 { width:100%;width:calc(100% - ( 0 * 30px ) ) } #pl-19878 #panel-19878-0-0-0 , #pl-19878 #panel-19878-2-0-0 { } #pg-19878-0 , #pg-19878-1 , #pg-19878-2 , #pl-19878 .so-panel { margin-bottom:30px } #pgc-19878-1-0 { width:40%;width:calc(40% - ( 0.6 * 30px ) ) } #pl-19878 #panel-19878-1-0-0 , #pl-19878 #panel-19878-1-1-0 { margin:20px 20px 20px 20px } #pgc-19878-1-1 { width:60%;width:calc(60% - ( 0.4 * 30px ) ) } #pl-19878 .so-panel:last-child { margin-bottom:0px } #pg-19878-1> .panel-row-style { background-color:#d8eeff } #pg-19878-1.panel-no-style, #pg-19878-1.panel-has-style > .panel-row-style { -webkit-align-items:flex-start;align-items:flex-start } @media (max-width:780px){ #pg-19878-0.panel-no-style, #pg-19878-0.panel-has-style > .panel-row-style , #pg-19878-1.panel-no-style, #pg-19878-1.panel-has-style > .panel-row-style , #pg-19878-2.panel-no-style, #pg-19878-2.panel-has-style >…